When chemicals are present in the soil or groundwater, they can migrate to the air inside your home. This process is known as vapor intrusion. It can be particularly dangerous in high-rise buildings. To mitigate this risk, you can install systems that can remove chemicals from your indoor air. However, these systems are not effective for small structures.
What you should know about Radon mitigation?
The Vapor Mitigation is to find out where the vapor is coming from. The primary source can be the soil, conduit, or groundwater. Sealing entryways with an effective vapor mitigation system can reduce the risk of vapor intrusion. In addition, you may need to use other mitigation strategies. Sealants are available in a variety of materials, including synthetic rubbers and swellable cement.
In addition to barrier systems, vapor intrusion can be mitigated through active venting systems. These systems can be installed inside a building or beneath the foundation. In the case of a concrete building, the system can be placed in the crawl space. A vapor barrier system can also be installed in the basement to prevent the vapor from entering the building.
The most common form of vapor mitigation is sub-slab depressurization (SSD). SSD systems create negative pressure under the slab, diverting vapors away from the home. An SSD system typically includes PVC piping, a mitigation fan, and a manometer. A certified mitigator can determine the best placement for optimum effectiveness. The vent piping is inserted into the slab and draws air through a collection point.