Cybersecurity best free password manager 2016 training topics must be both informative and engaging to keep employees engaged and able to understand how their actions can impact the business. This includes educating staff about password protection, avoiding malicious websites and attachments, email and phishing security, privacy policies, and other critical concepts that protect the organization.
Training should also include cybersecurity tips for personal devices, especially mobile phones. This includes promoting the use of strong passwords, advising against storing sensitive information on personal storage apps and encouraging a regular back-up schedule for both work and personal data. Training should also cover the dangers of connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi networks as this can expose sensitive information and provide hackers with an entry point into the company network. Employees should also be reminded to only connect to the company network via VPN or virtual desktop.
Bolstering Digital Defense: Essential Cybersecurity Awareness Training Topics for Every Employee
Lastly, training should include an explanation of ransomware as many employees have no idea that this type of malware is being used to target their organizations. Ransomware encrypts data and then demands a monetary payment in order to decrypt it. Training should also inform users about the most common delivery methods of this malware and how to spot it.
It’s important to reinforce these security awareness topics on a regular basis with a variety of materials, such as emails, infographics, posters, and videos. Keeping the training material fresh and new helps ensure that it reaches every employee and doesn’t get lost in the sea of daily communications.